The marbled murrelet features prominently in environmental news of late. There have been a series of changes regarding its status as an endangered species in Oregon. This small bird nests in old-growth and mature forests and forages at sea.
In 2017, ODFW conducted a study and found the species needed further protections to avoid extinction. Current estimates indicate an 80% chance of extinction if further protections are not put in place. They suffer from loss of habitat due to logging of old growth forests along the coast.
In February the ODFW commission accepted the petition of several wildlife groups to list the murrelet as endangered, but reversed its decision in June after changes in the makeup of the commission. In August, a Lane County Circuit Court judge ruled this move illegal.
If you would like to add your name to a petition by the Oregon League of Conservation Voters, please follow this link: Petition
For more information please visit this Audubon Article.