Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Marbled Murrelet News

Photo by Alan Schmierer, Flickr 
The marbled murrelet features prominently in environmental news of late. There have been a series of changes regarding its status as an endangered species in Oregon. This small bird nests in old-growth and mature forests and forages at sea.

In 2017, ODFW conducted a study and found the species needed further protections to avoid extinction. Current estimates indicate an 80% chance of extinction if further protections are not put in place. They suffer from loss of habitat due to logging of old growth forests along the coast. 

In February the ODFW commission accepted the petition of several wildlife groups to list the murrelet as endangered, but reversed its decision in June after changes in the makeup of the commission. In August, a Lane County Circuit Court judge ruled this move illegal.

If you would like to add your name to a petition by the Oregon League of Conservation Voters, please follow this link: Petition
For more information please visit this Audubon Article.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Mosier Osprey Platform and Web Cam

Photo from Eliot Malumuth, USDA Forest Service

Want to get in on the ground floor of, um, a platform for nesting osprey in Mosier,Oregon? Ellen Donoghue,PhD., is presenting this very idea at the Mosier City Council on Mosier City Council on Wed Aug 7th at 6:30pm. It's likely at the Senior Center in Mosier. Please look for updates locally. This dream includes a solar webcam so we can all experience the joy of the parent birds as their offspring develop. Donations and know-how are appreciated greatly. Please contact Dr. Ellen at for more information.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Oregon Wild Defends Wildlife

"Wildlife Services" at the Oregon State level are anything but. Governor Brown recently attempted to prevent activities like coyote carnivals - read carnage. The ODFW appears to have gotten heavy with members who have conflicts of interest and questionable credentials, palling around with ranchers who aren't willing to pursue mutually beneficial practices. Under their guidance, $400,000 has snuck into a "Christmas Tree bill that would expand hunting of many species; bears, coyotes, and bats. Bats? Whose values are batty? Please sign the petition to urge Governor Brown to dead end this deadly bill. With our gratitude here at Rowena Wildlife Clinic, Shannon Perry

Oregon Wild

Friday, July 12, 2019

Irish Wildlife

Please resubscribe to this new blog website. We had endless trouble with our previous one. No one ever got notified of new blog posts. Please bear with us and email if you have any problems. Thanks so much!

July 12, 2019
by Shannon Perry

Having been in Ireland for 11 days, I got a taste of its beauty and wildness. Standing on the Cliffs of Moher and hearing tens of thousands of birds busy nesting was thrilling. Below us wheeling through the air and into crevices were familiar species such as guillemots, puffins, and gulls. Kittiwakes and fulmars were newer to me. I thank Creation for the wild places wherever they may be.

Cliffs of Moher

limestone as far as you could see

yours truly, Shannon Perry

Marbled Murrelet News

Photo by Alan Schmierer, Flickr  The marbled murrelet features prominently in environmental news of late. There have been a series o...